Commercial Disclosure

Business name 事業者名

Young Serve The World, LLC

Service name サービス名


Address 住所

We will disclose without delay if requested

Contact/ Inquiries 連絡先

Email address:

Phone number: We will disclose without delay if requested.


Representative 代表者


Selling price 販売価格

Depending on the subscription it can range from ¥5000 to ¥6500.

Payment method 支払方法

Credit Card

Payment period 支払時期

Based on the Customers contract with the credit card companies.

Period of service provision サービス提供時期

After the completion of purchase, the first day of learning will start and will end depending upon subscribtion duration that the customer choose.

About withdrawal and refund 退会・返金について

Except in the case of termination of membership by the company, no refund or withdrawal will be made for any fees already paid regardless of whether or not lessons have been taken.